Program of Activities. European Day of Artistic Creativity
Program of Activities. European Day of Artistic Creativity
The third edition of the EUROPEAN DAY OF ARTISTIC CREATIVITY will take place this Saturday 21st March, with a lot of artistic initiatives and activities to enhance the citizen participation. The EUROPEAN DAY OF ARTISTIC CREATIVITY is a new cultural event launched in 2013 by CreArt, where 13 partner cities and institutions participate (Aveiro–PT; Kaunas-LT; Kristiansand–NO; Zagreb-HR; Linz–AT; Delft id11–NL; Genoa-IT; Lecce–IT; Harghita–RO, Pardubice–CZ; Arad–RO; Vilna-LT and Valladolid-ES), and has the support of the European Commission.
The program of activities for the third edition of the European Day of Artistic Creativity in the different CreArt cities is available in the web. For this edition we count on the participation of more than 100 activities from 17 cities: Arad (Romania), Aveiro (Portugal), Cuenca (Spain), Genoa (Italy), Harghita (Romania), Kaunas (Lithuania), Kristiansand (Norway), Lecce (Italy), Linz (Austria), Pardubice (Czech Republic), Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Segovia (Spain), Split (Croatia), Vienna (Austria), Valladolid (Spain) Vilnius (Lithuania), and Zagreb (Croatia).
Just to mention a few of the activities, for example in Linz (Austria) the center Atelierhaus Salzamt will coordinate a talk and exhibition with the Spanish illustration duo, Nuria Bellver and Raquel Fanjul; In Lecce (Italy), the artist Daniele D’Acquisto will meet the students from the Fine Arts Academy and School of Arts in the Open Space of the City Council; In the Romanian city of Arad the schoolchildren will be the principal actors in this day and will participate in exhibitions, contests and creative activities; The Croatian Association of Visual Artists in collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Zagreb will coordinate a program of activities that include exhibition, conference, and workshop around the topic “From state art to creative industries”; Il Palazzo Ducale of Genoa will hold from 5 March the exhibition “From Kirchner to Nolde. German Expressionism”; The center Artkomas will run the third edition of their photo contest; In Valladolid there will be organized, among others, the third collective exhibition “Creadores”, a new edition of the cultural platform of activities CreaVA 15, contests for schoolchildren, the initiative Journalists for Creation, The BIDI Codes of artists in local shops, etc.
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