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Kristiansand kommune er en av fjorten partnere i dette prosjektet som vil se på hvordan europeiske kultur institusjoner kan øke økonomisk, sosial og kulturell deltakelse innen visuell kunst ved å legge forholdene til rette. Prosjektet går over en periode på fem år og har fått 12,9 millioner kroner i støtte fra EUs kulturprogram. (14.03.2012)
Network of Cities for Artistic Creation
CreArt (Network of Cities for Artistic Creation) responds to a need amongst European cultural institutions: to maximize the economic, social and cultural contribution visual arts can make by facilitating artists, managers, industry and the general public to create, present and enjoy art work, as well as to access training and education through seminars, artists residences, workshops and research and analysis programmes.
CreArt partners also share a common objective: to promote, from the solid base of their local reality, a competitive offer in the European and international creative industries sector. From a variety of cultures and contexts, and based on public-private partnerships, CreArt works towards a “single cultural currency” across its European network.
CreArt is a solid network of 14 partner cities and institutions (11 countries), working in medium size urban areas, representative of Europe’s cultural diversity and richness, offering a simple and sustainable approach to these challenges, based on direct communication and networking by the main participants in the creative process, with the use of local resources and the necessary initial collaboration of EU.
The work plan of CreArt include 13 different activities belonging to one of the 5 general actions:
a) Project coordination, management and evaluation;
b) Analysis of management models to support visual arts & creativity in Europe;
c) Training, innovation and experimentation programme for the promotion of creativity;
d) CreArt European Travelling Exhibitions; and
e) Dissemination and transfer of activities and results.
All the work is done under a clear methodology focused in the 5 basic stages of the creativity improving process: starting with the identification (balancing clarity of need with potential for benefit in the search of the “creative core” in each community), and then passing to training and innovation, exchange and analysis, and finally dissemination and exhibition.
Camara Municipal de Aveiro, PT
Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad, ROComune di Lecce, IT
Comune di Siena, ITConsiliul Judetean Harghita, RO
Kommune Kristiansand, NO
Magistrat mesta Pardubic, CZ
Stadt Linz-Linz Kultur, AT
Stichting id11, NL
Urzad Miejski Wroclawia, PL
Vilniaus rotuš?, LV
Vš? “Artkomas”, LV
Prosjektleder: Fundacion Municipal de Cultura - Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, Spania