Elke Meisinger

born 1986 in Wels (Upper Austria)

Summer Term '13 Photography, HGB - Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
Erasmus in the "Photography in the Field of Contemporary Art"-class (Head: Peter Piller)

since 2008 Fine Arts, University of Arts in Linz
since 2009/10 Department of Experimental Art (Head: Andrea van der Straeten)
2008/09 Department of Sculpture

2006-08 University of Vienna
Sociology, Political Science

2006 A Levels
Higher Vocational School of Arts and Craft

Exhibition Participations

2012 Local Heroes #6
Galerie der Stadt Wels

Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin Weißensee

2011 Linzer Augen. Fotografie an der Kunstuniversität Linz Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz

Best Off 11
Tabakfabrik, Linz

From the Darkroom with Love
Art Gallery Bäckerstraße 4, Vienna

Sprachquellen / Bildflüsse / Textmeere. Linz an der Salzach
Salzburger Kunstverein, Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg

The main focuses of the imagery by Elke Meisinger concentrate on architecture, „the home“ (especially one-family houses) and deception of spatial awareness within photography. She works with an analogical medium format camera (Hasselblad), as well as using the digital possibilities of photomontage.
