Pavle Pavlović

Born 02.11.1983. , Belgrade.

1998.- 2002.g. Secondary school of applied arts and design, Zagreb, Hr, (stage design department).

2004. – 2010. Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb, Painting department.

Lives and works in Samobor and Zagreb.

Adress : 9.svibnja 8 , Samobor

Tel: +38595/5360681

e-mail :





2014. Solo exhibition, ''Lostland'', Gallery 90-60-90, Zagreb, CRO

2014. Solo exhibition, ''SOLARFALL'', Gallery SC, Zagreb, CRO

2013. New Croatian realism, Gliptoteka Hazu, Zagreb, CRO

2013. 2nd Painting biennale, HDLU, Zagreb, CRO

2013. One sided story, HDLU, Zagreb, CRO

2013. 48. Zagreb salon, HDLU, Zagreb, CRO

2013. MUTATIS MUTANDIS, Halle 14, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

2012. IN OUR BACKYARDS, Werkschau Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

2012. 31. Youth salon, HDLU, Zagreb, CRO

2012. T-HT prize 2012., Museum of contemporary art, Zagreb, CRO

2011. Solo exhibition, Document 1, Gallery Karas, Zagreb, CRO

2011. 1st Painting biennale, HDLU, Zagreb

2011. The other reality- Croatian emerging painters, Kunstlerhaus, Wien, Austria

2011. ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011, Winners’ Exhibition, Essl Museum, Wien, Austria

2011. Back to Heritage, Zadar, CRO

2011. ESSL AWARD CEE 2011, Nominees Exhibition, Museum of contemporary art, Zagreb, CRO

2010. 30. Youth salon, HDLU, Zagreb, CRO

2009. Novi fragmenti 6, Museum of moder and contemporary art, Rijeka, CRO

2009. Solo exhibition, Gallery  Vladimir Filakovac, Zagreb, CRO

2009. Solo exhibition, Galerija  Matice hrvatske, Zagreb, CRO

2009. ESSL AWARD CEE 2009, Nominees Exhibition, Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb, CRO

2008. Transfer magije ,Galerija Forum,Zagreb, CRO




2011.  ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011. Collectors invitation prize

2012.  One sided story artist residency, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

2014.  Glo‘ art residency, Lanaken, Belgium
