Jonas Aničas

Born 1987 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania. 2014 was granted the Status of an Artist.


2012-2014 Vilnius Academy of Arts, sculpture Master's degree studies 2007-2011 Vilnius Academy of Arts, sculpture Bachelor's degree studies 1999-2007 The National M.K.Šiurlionis School of Arts

Solo exhibition:

2014 In the Process, AV17 Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuaniua

2004 Photography Exhibition, Gallery of M. K. Šiurlionis School of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania

Group Exhibitions:

2014  Art cells, The exhibition of the graduation works of students of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania

2014  ArtVilnius´14, Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lithuania

2014 Baltas lapas, Arka Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania

2013  ArtVilnius´13, Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lithuania

2013/2015  JCE – Young Creators of Europe, an international biennale of contemporary art

2012 Baltic expro, Education Exchanges Foundation project, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania

2011 Art cells, The exhibition of the graduation works of students of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania

2011 Refreshment, Festival of Modern Art and Music, Plunge, Lithuania

2005 Miniature photo exhibition, The Nalšia Museum, Švencionys, Lithuania


2013  The Best ArtVilnius´13 Young Lithuanian Artist (under 35), ArtVilnius'13, Vilnius, Lithuania
